
Thursday, January 19, 2012


"Time for bed baby."

"Otay. I need my frog blanket. Do you have my frog blanket mommy?  I need it."

Up the stairs . . . .

"Mommy, you read me story?"


"I want two stories mommy. Two stories is funner. Lukas go bed now? Lukas stay up? I bigger dan Lukas. I can reach the counter mommy."

"Here brush your teeth."

"My teeth like crocodile mommy? Crocodiles spooooky mommy? hahahahaha"


"I have to take medicine mommy? I put that on my face mommy. Do Lukas have medicine mommy? Where Lukas mommy? Lukas go bed mommy?"

"Stop talking and breath in please."

Deep breaths.

"Mommy, you read me stories mommy? I pick stories mommy? Do I need diaper mommy? I not pee my underwear mommy."

Two stories read.

"That story funny mommy. I want nother story mommy."

"Nope, bedtime."

"Okay mommy. Lukas go bed too mommy? You going to bed mommy? Logan sleep in your bed mommy? I cold mommy."

Blankets pulled over.

"I love you. Good night."

"I lub you mommy. Good night mommy. Mommy? Leave my door open mommy. And the hall light on mommy. Leave the door open this much mommy. There no monsters mommy."

Door left open. Walking down hall.

"Leave light on mommy! Where Lukas mommy? You go bed mommy?"

And five minutes later he is out cold. 

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